5 Ways Outfit Repeating Improves Your Life
Ditch fast fashion for a more sustainable wardrobe (and a happier life).
January 19, 2023
By Bridget Poston
Living Sustainably With a Simple Wardrobe
Introducing a 3-part blog series about discovering new ways to dress sustainably through outfit repeating and transforming your closet into a capsule wardrobe.
Wearing the Oliver Charles sweater has allowed me to get creative with my outfits and learn firsthand the benefits of outfit repeating, not only for the environment but also for my well-being.
Join me as I walk you through how I practice sustainable living with a simplified wardrobe.
84% of clothes are dumped into our landfills every single year.
Fast fashion has been taking the spotlight for seasons, but many of us are catching onto the problems that comes with it.
With landfills piled stories high, our closets about to burst with pieces we’ve only worn once (if that), and our wallets begging for a break, many of us are turning to more sustainable ways - like outfit repeating.
Wearing the same outfits week in and week out doesn't have to be boring. In fact, it can birth a much healthier and happier lifestyle.
Here are the 5 ways I've improved my life through outfit repeating.
Use Outfit Repeating to Simplify Your Life
Do you ever look at a messy room and feel like your mind is just as disorganized?
Whether you know it or not, physical clutter can lead to mental clutter, real quick.
If simply the thought of organizing your closet has you feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry, there are a few ways to approach this.
Try setting a specific number of clothes you want to keep. That will challenge you to be honest with yourself...
If you haven’t worn that dress in 2 years, what makes you think you’ll wear it this summer? Be honest, take your time, and try to enjoy the process.
At the end of this, having fewer clothes to choose from will help clear your mind and simplify your life.
How A Minimalist Wardrobe Saves Money And Benefits The Environment
When you make a conscious choice to repeat your outfits, you keep clothes out of landfills.
Did you know it can take 200+ years for most clothing to decompose in a landfill? Yikes.
A few staple pieces coupled with the creativity to mix and match your outfits can seriously improve the well-being of the planet.
Not only that but since you’re buying clothes less frequently and using the ones you have for longer periods of time, you’re saving some serious dough.
Think about what you could do with that extra saved money. Buy more coffee? Take a fun weekend trip? Get a massage?
You know you deserve it… The possibilities are endless so don’t wait to start your journey of outfit repeating with a minimal wardrobe.
Simplify Your Wardrobe For Less Stress: How Having Fewer Outfit Choices Can Save Your Mental Energy
Fewer decisions means less stress. Studies speculate that we make about 35,000 decisions every single day.
Wow, just think about that for a moment.
Every time we make a decision we exert mental energy. As the day goes on this energy meter depletes based on how many decisions we made (and how taxing they were).
Why not skip having to decide between 30 outfits and instead decide between a few?
The stress of decision-making will drop and that’ll leave you with more mental energy to tackle the day ahead.
Less Laundry, More Time: How an Everyday Sweater Can Simplify Your Wardrobe
When you have fewer outfit choices you have less laundry to do. This frees up more time for enjoying the rest of your life, like exploring the outdoors, spending quality time with your partner or kids, or learning a new skill.
Time is a finite resource, unlike money which you can always get more of.
Time is limited, why not win back a little more of it with a simpler wardrobe?
Unlocking The Power Of Enclothed Cognition: How Our Clothes Affect Our Confidence
Our confidence stems from how we view ourselves and what we believe we’re capable of achieving in this world.
When you wear something you love and feel happy in, this grows your confidence. Learning to repeat my outfits in creative ways has given me a new sense of me.
I own my sense of style, I feel good about WHY I outfit repeat and that’s helped me to embrace who I am and what I stand for.
Oliver Charles Sweater: An Outfit Repeating Staple
Machine washable and strongly odor resistant means you can wear this incredibly comfy sweater on repeat and never get tired of it.
Dress it up or down, any time of year, and know that your outfits will never get old. Here are some ways you can spice up your wardrobe with the Oliver Charles sweater:
Wear it under a cardigan for a more smart casual vibe, or tie the bottom in a knot and pair it with some cute ripped jeans for a more boho look.
You can even throw it on over a collared polo to stir up a classier vibe. However you choose to style your sweater, know that it’ll be a keeper.
What Are The Benefits of Outfit Repeating?
Fast fashion leads to fast pollution. We’re filling our landfills with stylish pieces that have only been worn a handful of times, if that, and all to keep up with the facade that we must look new, trendy, and “with it.”
However, times are changing and people are realizing the harm that fast fashion causes and the benefits that outfit repeating brings.
Outfit repeating isn’t just one way to live sustainably and help the environment, it’s a way of life that can bring more mindfulness and simplicity to your everyday routine. And that is worth repeating.
If you believe that every good wardrobe starts with owning less and owning better, consider buying yourself an OLIVER CHARLES sweater.
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