- Most of my knit items - sweaters and shirts - lose their tightness at the wrists. This sweater held it through the 30-day challenge AND the wash. Great job!
- There are always dogs in the house, and most of the time, all clothing feels like a pet hair magnet. On this sweater, I counted 8 hairs after 30 days of wear.
- I was rather surprised by how much the sweater just felt right every day. So much so, that when I washed it, I felt a bit lost. I put on the cardigan (haven't used it since I got it!). The weight of the cardigan feels more like it will be my spring/early fall sweater, while the cable knit pullover will definitely be my winter sweater. DEFINITELY.
- I washed it after 30 days, not because it needed it, but to see how it would change after washing. It didn't change. Drying it on a flat surface is a time-consuming practice, but I'm sure that's what helped it keep its shape.
- There was NO - absolutely NO pilling. That says a bunch, considering it was worn for 30 days. I take up to 6 walks a day, and I expected some pilling from the armpit to the elbow. Nothing.
- Though it is wool, it does not itch too much. There is just a little bit. Nothing like my other wool articles of clothing...jackets and sweaters.
- The design is still wonderful, the fit is great, and it is simply a terrific sweater. This sweater is great for daily wear, church attire, outside work. (I fed horses and chickens, and cleaned out a coop, and this sweater was covered with hay. I learned not to toss the hay into the wind!) The sweater cleans up so nicely.
- I would recommend this sweater to everyone. Child, adult, senior ... EVERYONE.
Size Ordered: L | Typical Size: L | Fit: Perfect
I absolutely love my Oliver Charles winter knit sweater. After 30 days of wearing it, there is very minimal pulling in the armpits only, but best of all it hasn’t picked up any odors! I have three dogs which love to sit on me and I cook with a lot of onions and garlic. While I normally wear a small, since these sweaters are unisex, I sized down to an XS. It was a little snug the first wearing, but stretched out just enough to fit perfectly after the first day. It also never got stretched out in the elbow or wrists like most other tops would after a day or two of wear. I love that the sweater was 3D-knit to order. This practice means there isn’t a warehouse full of sweaters which might end up as fashion waste one day. The fact that I haven’t washed it yet after a month of wear means I’m saving water on top of it.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Ran Slightly Large
Height: 5’6 | Weight: 150 lb | Bust: 34"
Great product. You won't regret the purchase!
Size Ordered: XXS | Typical Size: XXS | Fit: Ran Slightly Small
Holy smokes, this sweater is warm and stylish! I knew I'd be rolling the dice ordering a winter sweater at the end of summer, but luckily fall rolled around in the PNW just in time and I was really able to put it to the test during a sailing trip with my dad for 4 days. The mornings were often breezy, foggy and my core temperature was already lower so it was nice to put on a base layer and then this Yak Cable knit over the top. The weave maybe had something to do with it wind breaking pretty well too when we were sailing upwind, I didn't feel the need to grab another layer to bundle up. And then, unless I was in direct afternoon intense sunlight, it seemed to fare well in warmer conditions too, up to about 65F (the color you pick may determine that too, I chose navy because it's a safe option for my skin tone and blond hair). Outside of sailing, I think this sweater will especially shine in its intended fall/winter environment. I'll be excited to take it skiing and snowshoeing here in the PNW, and walking to the subway in Brooklyn when temps really drop in November/December.
Size Ordered: M | Typical Size: M | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’10 | Weight: 165 lb | Bust: 36"
I was optimistic when I received my sweater, because right out of the package it impressed me with the smooth, soft finish of the fabric, as well as the exceptional quality of the knit.
I was expecting my sweater to shed - it did, but just the very smallest amount. I expected my sweater to pill - after TEN days of wearing it, there is not one pill anywhere! I thought that - even though my sweater is quite large - it might stretch out some. When I folded it last night and looked at it closely, it looks as if it's never been worn. I don't know if it's because of something about yak, or about Oliver Charles, this is possibly the best quality sweater I've ever owned! I will be able to donate a number of sweaters that aren't as comfortable, as high-quality, as attractive...
If you feel like you have too many clothes, and you would like to have a smaller, more gorgeous wardrobe, Oliver Charles sweaters are where you should start!
Size Ordered: L | Typical Size: L | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 160 lb | Bust: 36G
I was looking for a warm sweater that wouldn't make me sweat or be itchy. Though I live in GA, we can get some very cold, wet, dreary winter days. Also, I had a trip to the Pacific NW planned and wanted to be able to minimize what I packed.
Since I'm pear-shaped, I was skeptical that the bottom of the sweater would fit well, especially since this is a unisex sweater. The sweater ended up fitting me well. Over the week in the PNW, it stretched downwards a little, which was great. I like it best when layered over a thin base layer since it is a bit itchy but I l haven’t washed it, so who knows how much it will soften after that. Pilling is minimal even wearing a purse crossbody quite a lot over 7 days. I was surprised that I didn't sweat a lot when I was wearing it in temps below 55. I also appreciated that it did not pick up smells from the restaurants I frequented while wearing it.
Overall, I think this has been a good purchase and has definitely made me rethink whether I need as many items of clothing. It also helped me pack lighter, which made it possible to fit more souveniers in my suitcase!
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’7 | Weight: 142 lb | Bust: 34"
Machine washable, soft, comfortable, stylish, well- made, 3D printed gorgeous oatmeal-colored sweater - by eco-obsessed company
Size Ordered: XS | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5" | Weight: 123 lb | Bust: 34B
I love this sweater and love the sustainability of the concept even more. I am thrilled to support yak, a more sustainable fiber, and am really impressed with its properties. I love that the printing on demand creates less fashion waste and that my sweater did not sit in a shelf on a warehouse or barge for months. Therefore, it did not need to be sprayed with pesticides! It did not smell of body odor or restaurant smells after 7 days of continuous wear, and still does not need a wash. It is warm, but breathable. It’s a really nice weight that is not binding or bulky. I’m thrilled to not have neck seams bothering me! The yarn is velvety soft and was comfortable right next to my skin on my arms and neck. I also enjoyed streamlining my busy mornings and knowing what I was going to wear. I will likely wear the sweater again tomorrow! As a knitter, I’m impressed with the details and thought that went into the cable design. I love the decreases and the traditional cable stitches that were chosen, as well as the stitch definition. The sweater has pilled a tiny bit under my arms, but that is expected for such soft yarn, and the balls brush off easily. I was concerned about the unisex sizing. I was advised to size up to an xxl. I am pleased with the fit of the shoulders, chest, and body, which have a comfortable amount of ease. However, the sweater is significantly longer than I would prefer. At first, the ribbed bottom hem allowed me to shorted it, but that has relaxed enough that I feel the need to tuck the hem. I’m tempted to undo the bottom and rip out a 4” or so, then reek it the ribbing, but I’d hate to ruin this masterpiece. I’d love for you to consider offering customized lengths in the future!
Size Ordered: XXL | Typical Size: XXL | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’9 | Bust: 44"
I took on this challenge because I have been working to prune my wardrobe for a couple of years. My minimalist luxury approach was totally a COVID lockdown-triggered thing, so you would think I would have the perfect capsule by now, but it's been more challenging than I thought to find clothes I like that are durable and don't cost a huge amount of money. I will admit that the price of the cable knit sweater was more than I normally spend on a sweater, but the challenge tipped the scales for me. If I could wear this sweater a lot and drive down the cost per wear, then it would be worth it! There were two major things that I wasn't sure about when I started this challenge: how can I come up with outfits around this sweater for a whole week, and given the wide range of temperatures I would be in, how would the thermal regulation work? For the entire week, I didn't get very complicated with the outfits--sweater with a shirt underneath, sweater with a blazer, or sweater and vest. It was really liberating to not have to think too much about what I was going to wear every morning! This really was my test run for having fewer clothes in general, and I was pleasantly surprised that it was easy to make the switch. I'm actually considering what my seven-day challenge might be next week for another piece of clothing! Dealing with the temperature swings was probably my biggest surprise, however. I was all over the state of Arizona during this week and dealt with lows in the 20s and highs in the 70s. The sweater was comfortable the whole week! The only time that I felt too warm was when I was on my morning walk on a day in the 60s. I still wore it during the walk, but I did take it off to cool down. I'm excited to try the summer weight sweater, as I think that will be very versatile for me. This challenge taught me a few things: 1) I can get by with fewer clothes if they are well made, 2) no one is paying that close attention to what I'm wearing from day to day, and 3) investing in a piece of clothing that you think will be very useful and last a long time is worth paying a little more. I would recommend this sweater to someone who's looking to pare down their wardrobe and is looking for a comfortable and versatile sweater.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 147 lb | Bust: 36"
I became aware of the challenge after seeing an ad for the seacell fiber on social media. That piqued my interest and lead me to the website. I really wanted to try the lighter sweater for my challenge, but it's January and I live in the Northeast, so I went with the winter cable sweater for warmth and because I thought the cable knit was attractive. I have other wool clothing- mostly merino for camping+ hiking, but I also own a yak wool blanket scarf that I bought while in Nepal trekking. So I am familiar with the warmth and quality of this kind of wool.
Like many who may be drawn to this company and challenge, I'm bothered by fast fashion and how negatively the fashion industry impacts our world. The idea of a company that makes quality clothing to last a lifetime is really appealing to me. I've been disappointed by the durability of other big-brands of merino wool in the past, so I was hoping to find a piece that can stand up to an active lifestyle. After a week, I'm feeling really hopeful that I'll be able to really live in this sweater and not have to worry about treating it delicately in order to get more years out of it! I didn't take it easy during my challenge- I was outside in the elements + rain, my baby threw up on me at one point, I got food on myself more than once, played with my dogs, etc. And it is really holding up so far! I look forward to trying it out on a camping trip soon for warmth and to be able to minimize what I pack and carry!
I would recommend this sweater to anyone with a body! It really is a multi-purpose sweater. It looked good (but not out of place) while being active and it was great while I was working. It can be dressed up easily, but still looks good with leggings. If you have a torso, you would probably benefit from one of these sweaters.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Ran Slightly Large
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 145 lb | Bust: 36D
- Most of my knit items - sweaters and shirts - lose their tightness at the wrists. This sweater held it through the 30-day challenge AND the wash. Great job!
- There are always dogs in the house, and most of the time, all clothing feels like a pet hair magnet. On this sweater, I counted 8 hairs after 30 days of wear.
- I was rather surprised by how much the sweater just felt right every day. So much so, that when I washed it, I felt a bit lost. I put on the cardigan (haven't used it since I got it!). The weight of the cardigan feels more like it will be my spring/early fall sweater, while the cable knit pullover will definitely be my winter sweater. DEFINITELY.
- I washed it after 30 days, not because it needed it, but to see how it would change after washing. It didn't change. Drying it on a flat surface is a time-consuming practice, but I'm sure that's what helped it keep its shape.
- There was NO - absolutely NO pilling. That says a bunch, considering it was worn for 30 days. I take up to 6 walks a day, and I expected some pilling from the armpit to the elbow. Nothing.
- Though it is wool, it does not itch too much. There is just a little bit. Nothing like my other wool articles of clothing...jackets and sweaters.
- The design is still wonderful, the fit is great, and it is simply a terrific sweater. This sweater is great for daily wear, church attire, outside work. (I fed horses and chickens, and cleaned out a coop, and this sweater was covered with hay. I learned not to toss the hay into the wind!) The sweater cleans up so nicely.
- I would recommend this sweater to everyone. Child, adult, senior ... EVERYONE.
Size Ordered: L | Typical Size: L | Fit: Perfect
I absolutely love my Oliver Charles winter knit sweater. After 30 days of wearing it, there is very minimal pulling in the armpits only, but best of all it hasn’t picked up any odors! I have three dogs which love to sit on me and I cook with a lot of onions and garlic. While I normally wear a small, since these sweaters are unisex, I sized down to an XS. It was a little snug the first wearing, but stretched out just enough to fit perfectly after the first day. It also never got stretched out in the elbow or wrists like most other tops would after a day or two of wear. I love that the sweater was 3D-knit to order. This practice means there isn’t a warehouse full of sweaters which might end up as fashion waste one day. The fact that I haven’t washed it yet after a month of wear means I’m saving water on top of it.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Ran Slightly Large
Height: 5’6 | Weight: 150 lb | Bust: 34"
Great product. You won't regret the purchase!
Size Ordered: XXS | Typical Size: XXS | Fit: Ran Slightly Small
Holy smokes, this sweater is warm and stylish! I knew I'd be rolling the dice ordering a winter sweater at the end of summer, but luckily fall rolled around in the PNW just in time and I was really able to put it to the test during a sailing trip with my dad for 4 days. The mornings were often breezy, foggy and my core temperature was already lower so it was nice to put on a base layer and then this Yak Cable knit over the top. The weave maybe had something to do with it wind breaking pretty well too when we were sailing upwind, I didn't feel the need to grab another layer to bundle up. And then, unless I was in direct afternoon intense sunlight, it seemed to fare well in warmer conditions too, up to about 65F (the color you pick may determine that too, I chose navy because it's a safe option for my skin tone and blond hair). Outside of sailing, I think this sweater will especially shine in its intended fall/winter environment. I'll be excited to take it skiing and snowshoeing here in the PNW, and walking to the subway in Brooklyn when temps really drop in November/December.
Size Ordered: M | Typical Size: M | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’10 | Weight: 165 lb | Bust: 36"
I was optimistic when I received my sweater, because right out of the package it impressed me with the smooth, soft finish of the fabric, as well as the exceptional quality of the knit.
I was expecting my sweater to shed - it did, but just the very smallest amount. I expected my sweater to pill - after TEN days of wearing it, there is not one pill anywhere! I thought that - even though my sweater is quite large - it might stretch out some. When I folded it last night and looked at it closely, it looks as if it's never been worn. I don't know if it's because of something about yak, or about Oliver Charles, this is possibly the best quality sweater I've ever owned! I will be able to donate a number of sweaters that aren't as comfortable, as high-quality, as attractive...
If you feel like you have too many clothes, and you would like to have a smaller, more gorgeous wardrobe, Oliver Charles sweaters are where you should start!
Size Ordered: L | Typical Size: L | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 160 lb | Bust: 36G
I was looking for a warm sweater that wouldn't make me sweat or be itchy. Though I live in GA, we can get some very cold, wet, dreary winter days. Also, I had a trip to the Pacific NW planned and wanted to be able to minimize what I packed.
Since I'm pear-shaped, I was skeptical that the bottom of the sweater would fit well, especially since this is a unisex sweater. The sweater ended up fitting me well. Over the week in the PNW, it stretched downwards a little, which was great. I like it best when layered over a thin base layer since it is a bit itchy but I l haven’t washed it, so who knows how much it will soften after that. Pilling is minimal even wearing a purse crossbody quite a lot over 7 days. I was surprised that I didn't sweat a lot when I was wearing it in temps below 55. I also appreciated that it did not pick up smells from the restaurants I frequented while wearing it.
Overall, I think this has been a good purchase and has definitely made me rethink whether I need as many items of clothing. It also helped me pack lighter, which made it possible to fit more souveniers in my suitcase!
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’7 | Weight: 142 lb | Bust: 34"
Machine washable, soft, comfortable, stylish, well- made, 3D printed gorgeous oatmeal-colored sweater - by eco-obsessed company
Size Ordered: XS | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5" | Weight: 123 lb | Bust: 34B
I love this sweater and love the sustainability of the concept even more. I am thrilled to support yak, a more sustainable fiber, and am really impressed with its properties. I love that the printing on demand creates less fashion waste and that my sweater did not sit in a shelf on a warehouse or barge for months. Therefore, it did not need to be sprayed with pesticides! It did not smell of body odor or restaurant smells after 7 days of continuous wear, and still does not need a wash. It is warm, but breathable. It’s a really nice weight that is not binding or bulky. I’m thrilled to not have neck seams bothering me! The yarn is velvety soft and was comfortable right next to my skin on my arms and neck. I also enjoyed streamlining my busy mornings and knowing what I was going to wear. I will likely wear the sweater again tomorrow! As a knitter, I’m impressed with the details and thought that went into the cable design. I love the decreases and the traditional cable stitches that were chosen, as well as the stitch definition. The sweater has pilled a tiny bit under my arms, but that is expected for such soft yarn, and the balls brush off easily. I was concerned about the unisex sizing. I was advised to size up to an xxl. I am pleased with the fit of the shoulders, chest, and body, which have a comfortable amount of ease. However, the sweater is significantly longer than I would prefer. At first, the ribbed bottom hem allowed me to shorted it, but that has relaxed enough that I feel the need to tuck the hem. I’m tempted to undo the bottom and rip out a 4” or so, then reek it the ribbing, but I’d hate to ruin this masterpiece. I’d love for you to consider offering customized lengths in the future!
Size Ordered: XXL | Typical Size: XXL | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’9 | Bust: 44"
I took on this challenge because I have been working to prune my wardrobe for a couple of years. My minimalist luxury approach was totally a COVID lockdown-triggered thing, so you would think I would have the perfect capsule by now, but it's been more challenging than I thought to find clothes I like that are durable and don't cost a huge amount of money. I will admit that the price of the cable knit sweater was more than I normally spend on a sweater, but the challenge tipped the scales for me. If I could wear this sweater a lot and drive down the cost per wear, then it would be worth it! There were two major things that I wasn't sure about when I started this challenge: how can I come up with outfits around this sweater for a whole week, and given the wide range of temperatures I would be in, how would the thermal regulation work? For the entire week, I didn't get very complicated with the outfits--sweater with a shirt underneath, sweater with a blazer, or sweater and vest. It was really liberating to not have to think too much about what I was going to wear every morning! This really was my test run for having fewer clothes in general, and I was pleasantly surprised that it was easy to make the switch. I'm actually considering what my seven-day challenge might be next week for another piece of clothing! Dealing with the temperature swings was probably my biggest surprise, however. I was all over the state of Arizona during this week and dealt with lows in the 20s and highs in the 70s. The sweater was comfortable the whole week! The only time that I felt too warm was when I was on my morning walk on a day in the 60s. I still wore it during the walk, but I did take it off to cool down. I'm excited to try the summer weight sweater, as I think that will be very versatile for me. This challenge taught me a few things: 1) I can get by with fewer clothes if they are well made, 2) no one is paying that close attention to what I'm wearing from day to day, and 3) investing in a piece of clothing that you think will be very useful and last a long time is worth paying a little more. I would recommend this sweater to someone who's looking to pare down their wardrobe and is looking for a comfortable and versatile sweater.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 147 lb | Bust: 36"
I became aware of the challenge after seeing an ad for the seacell fiber on social media. That piqued my interest and lead me to the website. I really wanted to try the lighter sweater for my challenge, but it's January and I live in the Northeast, so I went with the winter cable sweater for warmth and because I thought the cable knit was attractive. I have other wool clothing- mostly merino for camping+ hiking, but I also own a yak wool blanket scarf that I bought while in Nepal trekking. So I am familiar with the warmth and quality of this kind of wool.
Like many who may be drawn to this company and challenge, I'm bothered by fast fashion and how negatively the fashion industry impacts our world. The idea of a company that makes quality clothing to last a lifetime is really appealing to me. I've been disappointed by the durability of other big-brands of merino wool in the past, so I was hoping to find a piece that can stand up to an active lifestyle. After a week, I'm feeling really hopeful that I'll be able to really live in this sweater and not have to worry about treating it delicately in order to get more years out of it! I didn't take it easy during my challenge- I was outside in the elements + rain, my baby threw up on me at one point, I got food on myself more than once, played with my dogs, etc. And it is really holding up so far! I look forward to trying it out on a camping trip soon for warmth and to be able to minimize what I pack and carry!
I would recommend this sweater to anyone with a body! It really is a multi-purpose sweater. It looked good (but not out of place) while being active and it was great while I was working. It can be dressed up easily, but still looks good with leggings. If you have a torso, you would probably benefit from one of these sweaters.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Ran Slightly Large
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 145 lb | Bust: 36D
2-Pack | 3-Pack |
$76 Off | $114 Off |
Discounts automatically applied at checkout.
Additional discounts not available on bundles.
- True to size: wears with a slimming professional fit.
- Naturally forms: fits both broader and narrower shoulder lines.
- No pinching: roomy in the armpits. No ride-up lifting your arms.
- Accommodating length: fits longer arms and taller torsos.
- Hand wash: doesn't trap odor and rarely needs cleaning.
- 100% Khullu: down wool of high elevation Tibetan yak.
- Soft like cashmere yet durable: anti-wrinkle, and anti-itch.
- Ultra-fine 17.5μm natural fibers: soft to sensitive skin.
- Thick and warm: 2x as thick as our All-Season Sweaters.
- Made in Brooklyn: based out of hilly San Francisco... about us.
- Ideal for outfit repeaters: yak wool is incredibly odor resistant.
- Minimize physical clutter: reduce your mental clutter.
- Replace synthetic fast fashion: a natural piece that lasts decades.
- Winter Adventure Companion: skiing, sledding... shoveling snow?
- Invest in quality clothes: lasts through your career and beyond.
For orders under $200, a flat $8 shipping fee is applied.
- Get free shipping for all orders of $200 or more.
We are offering free shipping within the USA. Outside the USA, depending on your country, you will be responsible for paying for customs, duties, taxes, or other applicable fees before you can receive your package.
These policies are set locally, so please check with the relevant sources where you live for the most accurate information. If the customs/duties are not paid and the shipment is returned to us, you will be refunded, minus the shipping cost.
On-Demand Knitting:
All of our knitwear is made on-demand in Brooklyn, New York. We're passionate about being part of the solution to reduce waste, which is why we make our products on-demand. This means that your sweater doesn't sit around for months before it reaches you - we start working on it as soon as you place your order!
Since we're creating each piece just for you, it may take a bit longer to receive your order than with traditional fashion brands. On average, it takes 3-6 days to knit your sweater after you place your order, and then shipping can take 2-5 days. But we promise it will be worth the wait! Our slow fashion approach means you're getting a high-quality product that's good for the planet too.
Oliver Charles sweaters can last a lifetime, which matters because by wearing our clothes for even 9 months longer, our individual carbon footprint can be reduced by 30%, equivalent to removing half a million cars off the road per person per year.
If your sweater becomes damaged from holes or snagged threads, send it back and we'll restore it to the best of our abilities.
Our return and exchange policy lasts 30 days. To make gifting easier, any orders placed in November and December can be returned or exchanged through the end of January. To be eligible for a return, your item must be undamaged and in the same condition that you received it. Exchanges are subject to availability.
For orders below $200, please note that shipping fees from Oliver Charles to our customers are non-refundable. However, in the event of an exchange or return, we've got you covered! Return shipping for exchanges or returns is pre-paid, so you won't have to worry about additional costs.
Best Selling Sweaters
See more ➡
Give It a Try. Worry-Free.
We’re confident this will be your go-to scarf for years. But we understand you may be skeptical. So give it a try. Worry-free.

100% Satisfaction
Try it out. Wear throughout the week. If you’re not happy, just send it back. No questions asked.

Lifetime Guarantee
If anything ever happens to your sweater over the many years, send it back and we'll restore it.

Free Exchanges Or Returns
Free, fast, and flexible. We'll work to make sure the exchange/return process is seamless.
Shipping Policy
We are offering free shipping within the USA for all orders of $200 or more. For orders under $200, an $8 flat shipping rate is applied. Outside the USA, depending on your country, you will be responsible for paying for customs, duties, taxes, or other applicable fees before you can receive your package.
These policies are set locally, so please check with the relevant sources where you live for the most accurate information. If the customs/duties are not paid and the shipment is returned to us, you will be refunded, minus the shipping cost.
Returns & Exchanges
Our return and exchange policy lasts 30 days. To make gifting easier, any orders placed in November and December can be returned or exchanged through the end of January.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be undamaged and in the same condition that you received it. Returns aren't accepted after taking a Sweater Challenge such as the 7 Day Challenge or 5 Adventure Challenge.
Our sweaters are a timeless design meant to last in your closet. If your Oliver Charles sweater becomes damaged from holes, snagged threads, or pilling at any time, send it back and we'll restore it to the best of our abilities.
If you feel your sweater needs a repair, please fill out the form below. Please note that you must be the original purchaser of the product with a valid proof of purchase (order number).
When you decide your sweater has reached the end of its life - whether that’s in 10 years’ time or 100 years - please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We'll make sure to find it another home or make sure it is naturally returned to the earth. As each sweater is biodegradable, although designed to last a lifetime.
One of the most important factors that affects the way wool feels is the fiber fineness. Thinner diameter fiber is softer. While a human hair has a average diameter of 75 microns (µm), the yak wool (AKA "khullu") we use in our sweaters is ultra-fine at 17.5µm.
Wools that are generally considered "soft" have a fineness <20µm. Although, at the end of the day, you know best, so try new materials at different levels of fineness and decide what you like wearing most. If you find a wool sweater you love but find slightly itchy, note that fine wools, like khullu, get softer with washing.
Wicking is an important benefit of wool, because in order to regulate body temperature, humans can sweat several liters a day. All this sweat can get pretty smelly right? In fact, sweat only becomes odor if it isn't wicked away. Wool has a number of unique moisture management properties that allow it to resist body odor making it ideal for #repeat wear and simplifying your life.
1) Saturation regain: wool can absorb and retain up to 35% of its own weight in moisture and still feel dry to the touch, which reduces sweat buildup and discourages bacterial growth.
2) Isolation of bacteria: after sweat is absorbed from the skin's surface it travels outwards where it evaporates. In the process, wool actively binds and isolates bacteria within it's fiber. The isolation of bacteria reduces odor to the point where unwashed wool has 66% less odor intensity than plastic-based fibers and 28% less than cotton fabrics (Woolmark).
Fun fact: bacteria thrive in humid environments, where sweat is trapped instead of being wicked away. For example, while a 1x1cm area on a human forearm contains around 100 bacteria, an identical square in the armpit contains on average 10 million bacteria (Popular Science).
We make our sweaters from yak down, which is the hair they shed naturally in the spring, all the herders do to collect it is simply brush the animals.
Our sweaters are made in Brooklyn, New York by Tailored Industry. We work with them to create our sweaters through a new manufacturing process called WHOLEGARMENT® 3D-knitting.
We chose Tailored Industry vs. other WHOLEGARMENT® manufacturers in part because of their brand vision. They want to become a platform for on-demand knitwear. We're hoping we can grow together, create all kinds of custom sizes, and eventually remove the need for inventory completely.
Pilling is the natural process that occurs when the shorter natural wool fibers work their way to the surface of a sweater.
Pilling is normal and expected with any wool piece of clothing, but fear not because there is a tried and true method to manage pilling.
The first thing you should do is wash your sweater after the first 4 wears. Throw your sweater in the wash with a pair of jeans, just make sure to close the zippers.
Over time, shorter fibers causing pilling will pull away on their own.
Many of our sweaters, including Summer Sweaters and All-Season Sweaters, are machine washable. However, we recommend checking the care instructions for each style to be certain. For 100% yak wool sweaters, we suggest hand washing and laying them flat to dry.
The 7 Day Challenge is a way to test owning less and better. See how it feels to #repeat and get more from a go-to sweater. Wear an OC sweater every day for 7 days straight.
Apply to field test an Oliver Charles sweater. Wear it, give us feedback, and it's free. We accept 2 people each month to field test our sweaters.
Learn MoreWe’re a new clothing brand creating an easy go-to item for modern professionals. We’re also Slater & Jack... a couple of lifelong friends on a mission to get the world to rethink their wardrobe.
Our StoryOrder a sweater and we'll tell you.
- Most of my knit items - sweaters and shirts - lose their tightness at the wrists. This sweater held it through the 30-day challenge AND the wash. Great job!
- There are always dogs in the house, and most of the time, all clothing feels like a pet hair magnet. On this sweater, I counted 8 hairs after 30 days of wear.
- I was rather surprised by how much the sweater just felt right every day. So much so, that when I washed it, I felt a bit lost. I put on the cardigan (haven't used it since I got it!). The weight of the cardigan feels more like it will be my spring/early fall sweater, while the cable knit pullover will definitely be my winter sweater. DEFINITELY.
- I washed it after 30 days, not because it needed it, but to see how it would change after washing. It didn't change. Drying it on a flat surface is a time-consuming practice, but I'm sure that's what helped it keep its shape.
- There was NO - absolutely NO pilling. That says a bunch, considering it was worn for 30 days. I take up to 6 walks a day, and I expected some pilling from the armpit to the elbow. Nothing.
- Though it is wool, it does not itch too much. There is just a little bit. Nothing like my other wool articles of clothing...jackets and sweaters.
- The design is still wonderful, the fit is great, and it is simply a terrific sweater. This sweater is great for daily wear, church attire, outside work. (I fed horses and chickens, and cleaned out a coop, and this sweater was covered with hay. I learned not to toss the hay into the wind!) The sweater cleans up so nicely.
- I would recommend this sweater to everyone. Child, adult, senior ... EVERYONE.
Size Ordered: L | Typical Size: L | Fit: Perfect
I absolutely love my Oliver Charles winter knit sweater. After 30 days of wearing it, there is very minimal pulling in the armpits only, but best of all it hasn’t picked up any odors! I have three dogs which love to sit on me and I cook with a lot of onions and garlic. While I normally wear a small, since these sweaters are unisex, I sized down to an XS. It was a little snug the first wearing, but stretched out just enough to fit perfectly after the first day. It also never got stretched out in the elbow or wrists like most other tops would after a day or two of wear. I love that the sweater was 3D-knit to order. This practice means there isn’t a warehouse full of sweaters which might end up as fashion waste one day. The fact that I haven’t washed it yet after a month of wear means I’m saving water on top of it.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Ran Slightly Large
Height: 5’6 | Weight: 150 lb | Bust: 34"
Great product. You won't regret the purchase!
Size Ordered: XXS | Typical Size: XXS | Fit: Ran Slightly Small
Holy smokes, this sweater is warm and stylish! I knew I'd be rolling the dice ordering a winter sweater at the end of summer, but luckily fall rolled around in the PNW just in time and I was really able to put it to the test during a sailing trip with my dad for 4 days. The mornings were often breezy, foggy and my core temperature was already lower so it was nice to put on a base layer and then this Yak Cable knit over the top. The weave maybe had something to do with it wind breaking pretty well too when we were sailing upwind, I didn't feel the need to grab another layer to bundle up. And then, unless I was in direct afternoon intense sunlight, it seemed to fare well in warmer conditions too, up to about 65F (the color you pick may determine that too, I chose navy because it's a safe option for my skin tone and blond hair). Outside of sailing, I think this sweater will especially shine in its intended fall/winter environment. I'll be excited to take it skiing and snowshoeing here in the PNW, and walking to the subway in Brooklyn when temps really drop in November/December.
Size Ordered: M | Typical Size: M | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’10 | Weight: 165 lb | Bust: 36"
I was optimistic when I received my sweater, because right out of the package it impressed me with the smooth, soft finish of the fabric, as well as the exceptional quality of the knit.
I was expecting my sweater to shed - it did, but just the very smallest amount. I expected my sweater to pill - after TEN days of wearing it, there is not one pill anywhere! I thought that - even though my sweater is quite large - it might stretch out some. When I folded it last night and looked at it closely, it looks as if it's never been worn. I don't know if it's because of something about yak, or about Oliver Charles, this is possibly the best quality sweater I've ever owned! I will be able to donate a number of sweaters that aren't as comfortable, as high-quality, as attractive...
If you feel like you have too many clothes, and you would like to have a smaller, more gorgeous wardrobe, Oliver Charles sweaters are where you should start!
Size Ordered: L | Typical Size: L | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 160 lb | Bust: 36G
I was looking for a warm sweater that wouldn't make me sweat or be itchy. Though I live in GA, we can get some very cold, wet, dreary winter days. Also, I had a trip to the Pacific NW planned and wanted to be able to minimize what I packed.
Since I'm pear-shaped, I was skeptical that the bottom of the sweater would fit well, especially since this is a unisex sweater. The sweater ended up fitting me well. Over the week in the PNW, it stretched downwards a little, which was great. I like it best when layered over a thin base layer since it is a bit itchy but I l haven’t washed it, so who knows how much it will soften after that. Pilling is minimal even wearing a purse crossbody quite a lot over 7 days. I was surprised that I didn't sweat a lot when I was wearing it in temps below 55. I also appreciated that it did not pick up smells from the restaurants I frequented while wearing it.
Overall, I think this has been a good purchase and has definitely made me rethink whether I need as many items of clothing. It also helped me pack lighter, which made it possible to fit more souveniers in my suitcase!
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’7 | Weight: 142 lb | Bust: 34"
Machine washable, soft, comfortable, stylish, well- made, 3D printed gorgeous oatmeal-colored sweater - by eco-obsessed company
Size Ordered: XS | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5" | Weight: 123 lb | Bust: 34B
I love this sweater and love the sustainability of the concept even more. I am thrilled to support yak, a more sustainable fiber, and am really impressed with its properties. I love that the printing on demand creates less fashion waste and that my sweater did not sit in a shelf on a warehouse or barge for months. Therefore, it did not need to be sprayed with pesticides! It did not smell of body odor or restaurant smells after 7 days of continuous wear, and still does not need a wash. It is warm, but breathable. It’s a really nice weight that is not binding or bulky. I’m thrilled to not have neck seams bothering me! The yarn is velvety soft and was comfortable right next to my skin on my arms and neck. I also enjoyed streamlining my busy mornings and knowing what I was going to wear. I will likely wear the sweater again tomorrow! As a knitter, I’m impressed with the details and thought that went into the cable design. I love the decreases and the traditional cable stitches that were chosen, as well as the stitch definition. The sweater has pilled a tiny bit under my arms, but that is expected for such soft yarn, and the balls brush off easily. I was concerned about the unisex sizing. I was advised to size up to an xxl. I am pleased with the fit of the shoulders, chest, and body, which have a comfortable amount of ease. However, the sweater is significantly longer than I would prefer. At first, the ribbed bottom hem allowed me to shorted it, but that has relaxed enough that I feel the need to tuck the hem. I’m tempted to undo the bottom and rip out a 4” or so, then reek it the ribbing, but I’d hate to ruin this masterpiece. I’d love for you to consider offering customized lengths in the future!
Size Ordered: XXL | Typical Size: XXL | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’9 | Bust: 44"
I took on this challenge because I have been working to prune my wardrobe for a couple of years. My minimalist luxury approach was totally a COVID lockdown-triggered thing, so you would think I would have the perfect capsule by now, but it's been more challenging than I thought to find clothes I like that are durable and don't cost a huge amount of money. I will admit that the price of the cable knit sweater was more than I normally spend on a sweater, but the challenge tipped the scales for me. If I could wear this sweater a lot and drive down the cost per wear, then it would be worth it! There were two major things that I wasn't sure about when I started this challenge: how can I come up with outfits around this sweater for a whole week, and given the wide range of temperatures I would be in, how would the thermal regulation work? For the entire week, I didn't get very complicated with the outfits--sweater with a shirt underneath, sweater with a blazer, or sweater and vest. It was really liberating to not have to think too much about what I was going to wear every morning! This really was my test run for having fewer clothes in general, and I was pleasantly surprised that it was easy to make the switch. I'm actually considering what my seven-day challenge might be next week for another piece of clothing! Dealing with the temperature swings was probably my biggest surprise, however. I was all over the state of Arizona during this week and dealt with lows in the 20s and highs in the 70s. The sweater was comfortable the whole week! The only time that I felt too warm was when I was on my morning walk on a day in the 60s. I still wore it during the walk, but I did take it off to cool down. I'm excited to try the summer weight sweater, as I think that will be very versatile for me. This challenge taught me a few things: 1) I can get by with fewer clothes if they are well made, 2) no one is paying that close attention to what I'm wearing from day to day, and 3) investing in a piece of clothing that you think will be very useful and last a long time is worth paying a little more. I would recommend this sweater to someone who's looking to pare down their wardrobe and is looking for a comfortable and versatile sweater.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Perfect
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 147 lb | Bust: 36"
I became aware of the challenge after seeing an ad for the seacell fiber on social media. That piqued my interest and lead me to the website. I really wanted to try the lighter sweater for my challenge, but it's January and I live in the Northeast, so I went with the winter cable sweater for warmth and because I thought the cable knit was attractive. I have other wool clothing- mostly merino for camping+ hiking, but I also own a yak wool blanket scarf that I bought while in Nepal trekking. So I am familiar with the warmth and quality of this kind of wool.
Like many who may be drawn to this company and challenge, I'm bothered by fast fashion and how negatively the fashion industry impacts our world. The idea of a company that makes quality clothing to last a lifetime is really appealing to me. I've been disappointed by the durability of other big-brands of merino wool in the past, so I was hoping to find a piece that can stand up to an active lifestyle. After a week, I'm feeling really hopeful that I'll be able to really live in this sweater and not have to worry about treating it delicately in order to get more years out of it! I didn't take it easy during my challenge- I was outside in the elements + rain, my baby threw up on me at one point, I got food on myself more than once, played with my dogs, etc. And it is really holding up so far! I look forward to trying it out on a camping trip soon for warmth and to be able to minimize what I pack and carry!
I would recommend this sweater to anyone with a body! It really is a multi-purpose sweater. It looked good (but not out of place) while being active and it was great while I was working. It can be dressed up easily, but still looks good with leggings. If you have a torso, you would probably benefit from one of these sweaters.
Size Ordered: S | Typical Size: S | Fit: Ran Slightly Large
Height: 5’4 | Weight: 145 lb | Bust: 36D
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